Monday 28 February 2011

European Liberation Strategy Pt1 - Money


*The document below is for Educational Purposes Only*

One of the biggest obstacles for NS activists is their financial status - most whites are Wage Slaves. The need from Financial Liberation is huge...

How someone can become Financially Independant?

Let's examine how militant, highly-influencial and wealthy movements like: Al-Shabab, Al-Qaida, Hamas, Fatah and Muslim Brotherhood managed to achieve - Financial Liberation.

1st step: Gathering small crew of Radicalized individuals, which are not suffering from the illnesses of consumerists (Fear from Death and Passivity).

2nd step: Attacking the Hostile Regime (secularism) in their muslim countries, with Physical force. Attacking the Secualar Financial/Law Institutions of their countries. Kidnapping slaves (Oligarchs) of the hostile regime for financial profit.

3d step: Media Propaganda. Militant islamist groups use medias like "As-Sahab", for fast spreading of their propaganda to young muslims.

*Western Examples for Financial Liberation*

German left-wing nationalists, burning and attacking Bank:

Too FEW NS activists (Skinheads, NaziSozi Punks, Neo-Nazis) are actually Willing to Attack their Hostile Regime (MultiKulti Capitalism)

Full Explanation for this topic (Financial Liberation), can be found in the manual below:

Saturday 27 November 2010

Walking Corpses

Faces of Antifascism:

My Sisters, My Brothers - from long time there are myths that, "white" slaves of this MultiKulti Capitalist regime can become normal again... but lets be honest, lets be realists. There is zero point for us, to TRY to show Old Bio-Masses their own reality. Lets not ignore, that the most Loud, Obnoxious, "famous" Antifascists are Middle-Aged, so why some of US - still try to have debate with DYING Meats? Leave the Corpses alone, They don't deserve our attention, they deserve to encounter Ултранасил**вен Революционен (Radical) Respond.

"Enjoy" the faces of Antifascism, because they are nobodies, so lets don't lower ourselves and try to have discussion with them. NS activists know how to deal with the Walking Stinky Meats.

Meet the Craziest from Antifa loons (his name is Nick Dutch):


Gloria! Victoria!

Monday 8 November 2010

Стани Активист!

Пътят към Финансовата Независимост, Стремеж към Висшата Естетика, Разбиване на мунданноста, стерилноста и пасивноста може да бъде постигнато чрез помощта на Идеологическата борба и Либерационни Стратегии (UltraV**lenceX)
За Всички желаещи активисти, изпратете кратко инфо за себе си тук:име, пол, религиозни виждания и вашата политическа позиция)

Babylonian Terror Front

Sunday 7 November 2010

EcoFascism as Strategy


Fascism is much ancient ideology than the modern "left-right" concept, which was implemented in France after the "French Revoltion". What ideas this dreaded and stigmatized ideology can offer us?
1. Unity of the people. They will have Grand Goal, and will adopt the "Empathic Model" (helping each other, doing terrible and great things all because of this "Grand Goal")
2. Extreme Radicalism. In Roman times - Radicalized young pagans litterary beheaded every "barbarian", just because of their Radicalism
3. Plea for Action. Berserkers in Scandinavia while in Trance were ready to kill every human being, their Mental Preparation was that strong, that their enemies saw them like mythical beasts.
EcoFascism is maybe the only thing, which can stop Human Stupidity and Mass Consumerism.